There is a downward trend in the index of illegal logging. Strict control will continue: PRESS ABOUT US
YEREVAN, APRIL 15, ARMENPRESS. In recent years, the volumes of reforestation and forest growing works have increased. During the press conference held in the press hall of “Armenpress”, Chairman of the Forest Committee of the RA Ministry of Environment, Vladimir Kirakosyan, whose 100 working days in office will expire on April 15, noted that with the state budget, with the support of international organizations, the Forestry Committee, Hayantar’s own At the expense of funds, in 2019-2021, about 5 thousand ha of afforestation work was carried out. Planting trees, of course, is still not considered a forest area. There is still a need for care, protection and supplementation for about 5 years. After about 7-10 years, we can consider that they have passed into the forest ranks,” said Vladimir Kirakosyan. During reforestation works, oak, pine, accompanying tree species – ash, maple, birch, etc. are mainly preferred ones. The regions of Lori, Tavush, Shirak, Aragatsotn were included in the reforestation works of around 5 thousand ha. According to Arusyak Siradeghyan, Deputy Chairman of the Forestry Committee, it is still too early to talk about the results, but there is already a positive movement. “If we see that there is an adhesion problem, filling works are carried out. In addition, natural regrowth is supported in the form of soil mineralization. Natural regrowth is already being seen on those platforms. Trunk support works were also carried out. It should be noted that there is degradation in some parts of the forested areas of Armenia. They have lost their environmental functions. The main reason for the degradation is uncoordinated logging in the 1990s. Today we see that in some areas, for example, around Vanadzor, when the forests were completely cut down in the 90s, it has been quite restored. Self-restorative reactions are now underway,” said Arusyak Siradeghyan. Vladimir Kirakosyan added that the forests of Armenia are unevenly distributed, 62 percent are in Tavush and Lori ragion, 30 percent are in Syunik, and 2 percent are in the central part of the country. The policy is to establish forests in all ragions whenever possible. Considerable reforestation works are planned for this year as well. For 2022, 413 million drams have already been allocated from the state budget for reforestation and forest care works. This year, around 130 hectares of reforestation work, 77 hectares of stump regrowth support is planned with the state budget funds. In addition, a large reforestation program has been started this year in cooperation with international organizations. It is an 8-year project, within the framework of which 5700 ha of reforestation works will be implemented. This year, reforestation works will be carried out in the area of around 1300 hectares. The government plans to increase the area covered by forests by 50 thousand hectares by 2030. Along with forest restoration works, the focus of the Forestry Committee is on problematic issues caused by the human factor, in particular, illegal tree cutting. Vladimir Kirakosyan noted that as of April 1, 2022, compared to April 1, 2021, there is a decreasing trend in the index of illegal tree cutting. In particular, if as of April 1, 2021, 1183 trees were illegally cut down, then in the same period of 2022 – 772 trees.