Chairman of the Forest Committee, Mr. Vladimir Kirakosyan, today welcomed the delegation led by Mr. Norberd Winkler, responsible for forestry of the regional office of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Mr. Nerses Kyurinyan, national coordinator of the project “Increasing the resilience of forests in Armenia, promoting adaptation and green growth of rural areas through mitigation” and Mr. Ruben Petrosyan, FAO national expert.
Deputy Chairman of the Forest Committee Ms. Arusyak Siradeghyan, Acting Director of “Hayantar” SNCO Mr. Sevak Markosyan, Advisor to the Director Mr. Armen Danielyan and Head of External Relations Department of the Forest Committee Ms. Mariam Movsesyan also participated in the meeting-discussion.
Mr. Vladimir Kirakosyan Welcoming the attendees, first thanked the FAO representatives for the initiative of the meeting, then noted that in the context of the works carried out within the framework of the project the existing cooperation between the two structures is important and transparent. Mr. Norberd Winkler presented purpose of his visit, as well as presented works to be held by their organization in Lori, Syunik and Kotayk provinces in the framework of the project he presented. He presented technical requirements of the greenhouses to be built in Provinces. Mr. Norberd Winkler, further emphasized the importance of organised professional training conducted by the international experts in the forestry sector, for the employees of “Hayantar” SNCO and on the cultivation of seed plants, seedlings and with a closed root system and their transfer to planting areas. At the end of the meeting, Mr. Vladimir Kirakosyan emphasized that the Forest Committee and “Hayantar” SNCO are interested in the logical and effective continuation of environmental programs, because as a result of their implementation, many issues in the field will be solved that contribute to the sustainable and dynamic development of the forest sector.