On 13.03.2024 the meeting for the validation of the results of the project preparation stage of UNEP/GEF “Land restoration and improvement of ecosystem services in Armenia through the use of the biodiversity of fruit and nut tree species” project was held, where representatives from the Ministry of Environment, Ministries of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure, Economy, Representatives of the Armenian office of the Caucasus Regional Environmental Center, representatives of NGOs, international and national experts participated.
During the meeting, the main provisions and directions of the project, the terms of implementation of the components were discussed, the project coordinator and experts presented the work plan of the project, the structure, cooperation frameworks, interested departments and beneficiaries, the logical framework, the budget, the action plan aimed at gender equality, as well as the areas included in the program.
At the beginning of the meeting, the head of the Ecopatrol Service, Vladimir Kirakosyan, made a speech and emphasized that the program was really expected and its implementation will be a great incentive for the expansion of forested areas of Armenia, forestry and its capacity development.
In his speech, Mr. Vladimir Kirakosyan also noted that the Republic of Armenia takes great responsibility for environmental issues and, in particular, for the restoration of lands and forested areas.
GEF operational manager of UNEP, MR. Ersin Esse and permanent coordinator of the UN World Food Program Ms. Nanna Skau also highlighted the importance of the implementation of the project in their speeches and stressed that it is multi-faceted and includes a wide range of beneficiaries, then they were happy to note that they see our country’s the willingness and effort put into implementing each component of the project.