The delegation included Nerses Kyurinyan, national coordinator of the project “Increasing the resilience of forests in Armenia, promoting adaptation and the growth of green spaces in rural areas through mitigation”, FAO national expert, project consultant Ruben Petrosyan, experts specializing in forest restoration and sustainable forest management Ravya Husein and Kenichi Shono. international expert Eduard Hockbichler.
First Deputy Chairman of the Forest Committee Vardan Sargsyan, Director of “Hayantar” SNCO Sevak Markosyan, Head of the Department of Forests and Forest Lands Management of the Forest Committee Eduard Karapetyan and Head of the External Relations Department of the Forest Committee Mariam Movsesyan also took part in the meeting-discussion.
Mr. Unkler further noted that the professionals with international experience included in their working group will visit the “Forestry of Vanadzor” branch of the “Hayantar” SNCO of the Forest Committee in the coming week to support the collection and preservation of seeds, the fight against the degradation of forest land, reforestation, afforestation, and stump regrowth. and in order to carry out trainings related to a number of other works.
Speaking about the reforestation and afforestation works, the national coordinator of the project, Kyurinian, noted that they plan to offer a new methodology to “Hayantar” SNCO.
Referring to the proposed new reforestation and afforestation methodology, Chairman of the Forest Committee, Vladimir Kirakosyan, emphasized that he expects a monitoring presentation on the way to afforestation within the framework of the project, which should include land preparation works, a clear planting schedule, labor force and other information related to current works.
The testing of the afforestation and reforestation methodology, which has no precedent in Armenia, is planned to be carried out this year. on October 16-17, in 5 different pre-selected areas of the “Vanadzor Forestry” branch of “Hayantar” SNCO of the Forest Committee. About 30 employees of different “Forestry” branches of “Hayantar” SNCO will take part in the test, in order to apply the already acquired knowledge and transfer it to other employees.